清潔及重調 Celestron EdgeHD 8" cleaning and re-collimation

分類: 器材情報 Equipment
星河科研社作為Celestron香港總代理,不時要為客戶維修望遠鏡,工作室亦有專業檢測工具勝任這工作。這是一位老客戶的EdgeHD 8"鏡,因為存放不當讓鏡發了霉,亦在沒足夠準備下動了光軸導致成像惡劣。這次花了大半小時清潔幾組鏡片,幸好全部都能清理掉,沒有永久性痕跡留下,最後再用500x及檢測器材重調光軸,把望遠鏡回復至全新狀態。

As the sole dealer of Celestron in Hong Kong, Galaxy Scientific Group has to repair telescopes for customers from time to time, and the workshop has professional testing tools to do the work. This is an EdgeHD 8" mirror from an good old customer. The mirror got moldy due to improper storage, and the optical axis was off without sufficient preparation, resulting in very poor image. This took more than half an hour to clean the optics sets, but fortunately all can be cleaned and no permanent traces are left. Finally, the telescope is tested at 500x and with equipment to readjust the optical alignment and restore the telescope to a new state.
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